Sunday, April 20, 2014

Week Eleven: Cyberpunk

            For this week we are asked to read in the genre of cyberpunk. The reading I chose to read this week was Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash.  At the beginning of the novel, the main character, Hiro, discovers the name of a new narcotic, "Snow Crash.”The drug is being offered at an exclusive nightclub. Hiro's friend and fellow hacker falls victim to Snow Crash's effects, which are apparently unique in that they are experienced in the Metaverse and also in the physical world. As the nature of Snow Crash is uncovered, Hiro finds that self-replicating strings of information can affect objects in a uniform manner even though they may be broadcast via diverse media, a realization that reinforces his chosen path in life.

            This novel was different from the other reading selections we have to read this semester in the class because of the combination of people and events that the author used within the story. In this reading the main character, Hiro, is a freelance hacker that also supposedly knows sword fighting. I find this character to be interesting and unique because from what I’ve seen in other novels and movies the main characters normally not some punk kid that is a hacker and spends all their time on computers. I do however find that part of the book more interesting because you can get this new wave of angst and drama with that type of character as the lead in the novel.
Another thing I thought was different was the use of a virus in the storyline. The virus in this novel is called "Snow Crash" that is both a computer virus capable of infecting the machines of unwise hackers in the Metaverse and a crippling central nervous system viral disease in reality. The concepts of this virus affecting a computer system and it can also be a disease to a person which shuts down their body is an interesting and unique problem. In addition the virus keeps the reader on its toes and helps to move the storyline along.
I recommend this book if you like stories that had it out of the box of unique and that is uncorking.

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